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Joe Namath on using a hyperbaric chamber to treat concussion affects

December 08, 2016

NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback Joe Namath on his use of a hyperbaric chamber to treat the effects of the concussions he received while playing football.

Hear what long time advocate of using HBOT to treat brain injuries, Joe Namath, has to say about his experience of using a hyperbaric chamber and how he hopes other athletes suffering similar symptoms will make use of the treatment.


Can HBOT Really Turn Back the Clock?

September 22, 2016

Dr. Shai Efrati: Director of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research, has spoken in a TED Talk about reverse ageing, taking the biology back in time and how this can be achieved by inducing the body for self rejuvenation i.e. by using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.



The Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research has become the largest most occupied hyperbaric center in the world, currently treating more than 120 patients a day. Dr. Efrati initiated a research program focusing on the neuroplasticity (regeneration of brain tissue) of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). In the first clinical study it was proved that HBOT can induce neuroplasticity in stroke and traumatic brain injuries even years after an acute incident. The vital clinical results gained from the research program have shed fascinating new light on regeneration of the injured brain as well as aging tissues.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can improve Traumatic Brain injury and Fibromyalgia

June 07, 2016

The Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research in Israel has long been at the forefront of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy treatments and this video expertly shows the profound and life changing effects that HBOT has had on patients suffering from traumatic brain injury and Fibromyalgia.




Unfortunately, just like many of these Israeli patients, patients in the UK will find that treatment for such injuries using HBOT is plagued with NHS funding issues and a distinct lack of clinical referrals or support; despite extensive research from organisations such as The Sagol Center that undoubtably prove the benefits of HBOT in treating these conditions. This means that many patients who could greatly benefit from HBOT in England, must either go without, or burden the heavy costs of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy treatments themselves.


Oxygen Healing’s chambers are working closely with the British Hyperbaric Association and NHS England to help improve the situation and hopefully work towards a future where HBOT is accessible and affordable to all who will benefit from it.


If you would like to know more on the benefits of HBOT, the conditions it can treat, or how you can help to raise awareness, then please call 01788 579 555 (for Midlands and North based patients) or 020 7806 4021 (for London and the South of England).

England crash out of Rugby World Cup while Japan use HBOT to get players fighting fit!

October 05, 2015

As the English nation struggle to come to terms with the national team crashing out of our own world cup at record breaking speed, Japan have been utilising the facilities close to their training camp in Warwick to get their players fighting fit for their next game. 


Long time advocates of using HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) to accelerate recovery time in injured players, the Japanese team have ensured that any soft tissue damage their key players have sustained during the competition won’t be the reason for their defeat, by opting to take the players for treatment at the Midlands Diving Chamber in Rugby for daily HBOT treatments. 


The team opt to travel incognito


Whilst we feel for the England team and their early exit from the competition, we can’t help but admire the determination and duty of care that the Japanese coaches clearly have for their players as they fight for their place amongst the other heavy weight rugby playing nations. Being the break out stars of the Rugby World Cup so far, we wish them the best of luck in their next match! 


A generous gift from the team

Israel Leads the way in Hyperbaric Research

September 17, 2015

The Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research based in Assaf Harofeh is currently the largest hyperbaric facility in Israel and one of the biggest worldwide, treating more than 120 patients per day. 


As well us using HBOT for burns, radiation injuries and non-helaing ulcers, The Sagol Center has also started research into using hyperbaric oxygen therapy for different types of brain injuries, proposing a brighter future for many patients who could now benefit from the non-invasive, highly effective treatment. Read more about the research and facilities at the Sagol Center click here

The Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research

Oxygen Healing to the Rescue!

August 03, 2015

HBOT has come to the aid of one of our countries top athletes once again as European champion sprinter Adam Gemili took some much needed hyperbaric oxygen therapy for a recent injury. So chuffed was Adam with the advanced healing process that he he kindly gave us his signed Team GB vest…oh and got few friends to sign it as well! Can you spot who’s signatures they are? 



HBOT Used to Treat Ukrainian Minor after Horrific Explosion

March 09, 2015

A survivor of the Zasyadko mine explosion has been undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment in a mono place hyperbaric chamber in Donetsk after being exposed to dangerous levels of methane during the blast. 



Andrei Serebrennikov, is being treated at the Regional Hopsital of Occupational Diseases in Donetsk after the incident on Wednesday. Read the full story here.



Andrei is being treated at the Regional Hospital of Occupational Diseases in Donetsk

Afghan Veteran Ben Parkinson Gets Oxygen Treatment for War Injuries

January 29, 2015

Ben Parkinson, the most injured British soldier from the war in Afghanistan, has been receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment for the extensive injuries that he sustained there. 

Ben was almost killed by a landline blast in 2006, the resulting injuries included the loss of both of his legs,  broken back, hips and ribs and severe head injuries. Ben was left brain damaged as a result and is currently undergoing HBOT at Castle Craig Hospital in Peeblesshire, Ben is already convinced that the treatment will enable him to “walk and talk better.” Read the full story and watch the BBC coverage here



Research shows that HBOT can help treat Type 2 Diabetes

June 03, 2014

New research has emerged that suggests using a hyperbaric chamber can increase the sensitivity to insulin to the same extent as achieved by losing 13 per cent body weight.

Insulin resistance is a condition where the body produces insulin but does not use it effectively to ‘mop up’ sugar from the blood, which can ultimately result in type 2 diabetes. Early research shows that HBOT treatments could help to reduce this risk of developing diabetes. If proved further, this could be a significant and major breakthrough in the treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Read the full story by Roger Dobson here.

Detecting Traumatic Brain Injuries in the Living

December 06, 2013

At present, a definitive determination that a person has suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) can only be made after death. The accumulation of tau proteins that result from traumatic brain injury (TBI) are not detectable by currently accepted brain imaging techniques. Work currently being done by scientists at UCLA may change that. As reported today by MIT Technology Review,

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